Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Japan Club Minutes

Japan Club Minutes

10, 11, 8

Members: 17

Today,we went over how to play Go,and we rehearsed our Jikoshyokai. It is on the bottom,if you need it.

This week!

-Tonight! Go Tournament at University hall 2044
-Tomorrow! Gay Anime Night! Pizza and candy~!

This month!

-Thurs 20th Yoshiki and hide Remembrance. Tea,daifoku,pocky!
-Fri 21 + Sat 22 Rutgers Anime Con. Date Auction on 21,Cosplay Chess on 22.


-First Week of December is Anime Week!
Mon-Anime Jepordey
Tues-Anime Parliament
Wed-Date Auction
Thurs-Dubbing Workshop
Friday-Restaurant Trip
-April 20th Chibicon
-June 12-14 AnimeNEXT

Dont say DesU,say just DES
[Nice to meet you]
- Doe John Desu.
[I am X. Last name,then first. For introducing Japan Club as a whole...]
-Watashitachi wa Nihongo no Clubbu desu.
[We are Japan Club.]
-Umare to sodachi wa New Jerjei desu.
[I was born and raised in New Jersey.]
-Kyoomi wa X shitari Y shitari Z shitari suru koto nan desu.
[My hobbies are X Y and Z. For Japan Club,they will be Anime,Manga,Origami.]
-Kore kara, osewa ni narimasu no de yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
[I am in your debt,please be nice to me.]

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