Friday, February 29, 2008

ugh... we need money

Alright peoples, we're down to one month, more or less, or ChibiCon2008. The problem is money. Now we need to go and buy stuff. First off, let me make a list of stuff that would be lovely id donated:

Prizes: dvds, t-shirts, etcs cool stuff you dont need or have space for. like the two copies of the same dvd you have

Food stuffs: plastic ware, spoons knives the whole bit. Not to mention any of those cake mixes your moms been hoarding but never using. Non perishable items like coffee, sugar, hot chocolate packets, tea...

Blank DVD cds for us to burn with. We're starting to make our library.

We plan to hopefully have two bake sales before ChibiCon.

Hopefully, other clubs can help us buy stuffs or donate prizes.

We are also looking for any businesses or organizations that want cheap advertising. TokyoJam is set to come out that week, so we are hoping that local businesses will help us fund out event and get some business out of it too.

Tentative prices:
full page = $50
half page = $25
quarter page= $15
eighth page= $10

TokyoJam will be a full color magazine to be available for ChibiCon2008, an event reaching many many people.

We are collecting a pool of funds to help us buy stuff. The SGA will reimburse the money once all the paperwork is done. Anyone who could help us by letting us borrow money would be a great help.

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